Everlast Gates & Fence

Licensed & Insured

# B28539401

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Licensed & Insured

# B28539401

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Many homeowners prefer to install wrought iron driveway gates due to their strength, ability to stand against harsh weather, or simply because of their visual appeal. In addition to keeping the residential property safe and secure from unauthorized access, the driveway gates further add the touch of luxury and style to the property while increasing its sale value. 

Usually wrought iron driveway gates last for years if maintained properly. As the gates have to be exposed to harsh weather elements on the daily basis. The constant exposure to wind, rain, cold, sun also makes driveway gates vulnerable to rust and damage. Rust can cause huge damage to the iron driveway gate structure slowly and then you might need a new gate. This can be prevented from happening by maintaining and taking care of the iron driveway gate. 

Here are simple ways to maintain your driveway gate

Remove the rust – When you decide to remove rust from your driveway gate, it is important to keep the metal gate surface smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper. You can use a wire brush to scour the rusted metal surface. Use the grinder to strip the rust from the surface. You can also buy chemicals to remove any rust from the structure of the gate. Such chemicals are very easy to buy and apply on the door. 

Keep your door painted – Water can cause rust damage on your gate which is really easy to prevent. When installing an iron driveway gate, keep it painted so it won’t be affected by rain or humidity in the air. This would also help to improve gate appearance and lifespan. If you feel that paint is getting old or removed from some parts, you should repaint it to save it from the weather. 

Remove the damaged parts – You can always get the original look and efficiency of the gate simply by removing its damaged and rusted parts. The damaged iron parts can be cut away using a cutting blade. After removing some iron rods or parts, you must replace these with the new ones. Similarly, the old, broken parts can be replaced by new ones. This also saves the cost of installing a new driveway gate. 

Replace the broken hinges – The broken hinges of the gate should be removed from the structure of the gate. After removing the broken hinges, you must replace these with new hinges. These new hinges can be simply re-welded to the wrought iron gates. However, you must use an experienced gate installation and repair individual or company. 


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