Everlast Gates – Frisco, TX

Licensed & Insured

# B28539401

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Experience You Can Rely On, Reputation You Can Trust

LIC # B28539401

Everlast Gates & Doors is a leading full service Gate and Garage Door company.

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(469) 212-1925

Our Services

Our primary focus is to help you keep your residential properties secure. Our professional gate technicians also specialize in commercial gates to help you keep your commercial properties safe and protected within their boundaries. Everlast Gates & Doors offers gate repairs, Commercial Driveway Gates, and Driveway Gate installation We can meet your Gate & garage door needs. contact us anytime for a consultation on any business or residential property.  

Gate Services

Residential Gates

We only use the best products making your home secure with a variety of gates to choose from grand entranceways, walkways, driveways, and pool areas.

Gate Services

Commercial Gates

Commercial gates help assure that unauthorized personnel is not gaining access to your property and causing security breaches.

Automatic Gates

Automatic Gate Installation

An automatic gate system is highly recommended and widely used as security for car park areas because of its sturdy built and state-of-the-art security.

Gate Services

Access Control

Access control is a major part of how you manage large facilities. It allows you to better monitor your facility while also controlling who can get in and out.

Gate Services

Gate Installation

When it comes to gate installation, you must know the different gates available on the market to pick out the right one for your property.

Gate Services

Gate Repair

If you have a gate that protects your house, neighborhood, or workplace, you must keep its construction in excellent repair.


Our welders are artists with all their heart and they love the challenge.

Customize Your Gate

Our welders are artists with all their heart and they love the challenge.

100% Guarantee

We like to deliver the best products and service experience with 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Check Our Works

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Our Services.

We Provide Best Services

Everlast Gates offers expert gate installation and repair services with high-quality materials, diverse styles, and designs, providing affordable and reliable security and aesthetic solutions.

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Strong Welding

Welding uses heat and pressure to fuse metal pieces together, creating a strong bond for dependable connections.

Metal Quality

High quality metals are crucial in industries like aerospace and medical due to their strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion.

Affordable Prices

Everlast Gates provides affordable rates without compromising quality, ensuring that customers can get high-quality gates at reasonable prices.

On Time Target

Break down tasks, assign deadlines, communicate with team, prioritize productivity to finish project on time.

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(469) 551-8521

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