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Intercom Systems

Design fused with Technology.

Intercom Systems And How They Help With Security

Intercom speakers help with security in several different ways. Your company is counting on these communication panels to help with communication across the facility, but you also need an intercom that people can access when they get to a gate or a door. You want to keep people out unless they need to be in the building, and that is why you should add these intercoms to your security system. Each of the steps below explains these types of systems help keep you safe.

intercom systems

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Security At A Distance

You can handle all your security at a distance because you do not need to come to the gate, to the door, or face someone just to let them in the building. While you do not want to have security issues, you should let your staff know that they can monitor people from afar instead of engaging them. The com system allows someone to buzz the security office or front desk, ask to be let in, and for the door or gate to be unlocked.

How Do The Gates And Doors Work With This For Of Security?

The coms and keycard systems all fit together. You will place the keycard panel and the coms right next to each other. There is a small button on the speaker that will allow you to speak to the people on the inside, and you can place a camera at the door or gate so that you can see who you are talking to. Plus, you can get information from that person while you are deciding if you need to let them in.

The com speaker also allows you to get information people that you already know. If you have a driver or technician coming in, they can tell you precisely what they are doing that day. This means that you can work more efficiently, call for the people that need to meet the driver or repairman, and get back to work.

intercom systems
intercom systems

Gate Assemblies and Security Doors

When you are trying to manage security at a distance, you need to know that the gate or door cannot be breached. You must have a secure gate with the proper lock and latch. Your security doors are very heavy, and you may even want to have more than one door for entry because you want your employees and guests coming in different doors. Because of this, you can protect your staff from people who may not need to be in the building.

intercom systems

The Speakers Help You Assess Issues

You can install and wire these types of systems along with security cameras and keycard doors. Because of this, you can handle the entire security installation in one sitting. You can add wiring to your existing setup if you are just not starting to use speakers, and you can lead those wires to your security office where your staff can handle each person who comes to the door or gate.

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They are Easy to Install and Wire

You can install and wire these types of systems along with security cameras and keycard doors. Because of this, you can handle the entire security installation in one sitting. You can add wiring to your existing setup if you are just not starting to use speakers, and you can lead those wires to your security office where your staff can handle each person who comes to the door or gate.

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